REARING: Youngsters are literally what they eat. The parents feed them "pigeon milk " for the first four or five days and even the quality of the milk is determined by the health and diet of the parents. The parents need to be fed a diet that is rich in protein.
Beans and peas are the best source. A good multi-vitamin in the water is a good idea. Grit is very important at this time. The hens need good grit to make healthy eggs and the parents need grit available every day. The youngsters can be weaned as early as twenty-two or twenty-three days old but we prefer to wait until they are closer to twent-eight days old.
They need to be fed a protein rich diet untill they are ready to start training. They grow at an amazing rate and proteins are the building blocks of that growth. Newly weaned youngsters find it easier to pick up larger grains, another reason to feed those beans and peas. Keep an eye on the youngsters. If you see a "sleepy " looking one, dunk its head in the drinker. Keeping the drinker on the floor with the babies helps them to find it.
Tippler*Performance Tippler*Performance
THE TIPPLER is a specialist. In the field of endurance performance he doesn't take a back seat to any domestic creature anywhere on earth or in the sky. Of all the breeds of pigeons originated and developed to meet the requirements of a widely differing fancy, the Tippler is the fly ingest flyer of them all. This breed is so outstanding in the field of time-flying, that "tippler" is often used as a generic word applied to long-time flyers of other breeds. Tippler enthusiasts have, by selective breeding and pigeon whose inborn love of flying compares with the thoroughbred race horses'innate urge to run. This is true to such a degree that difficulty is encountered not in getting the birds to fly, but in keeping the youngsters from flying until they know their loft and its surroundings. The length of time that a kit(Three or more pigeons flying together) of Tipplers will sometimes fly, with no training or conditioning, but just for the sheer love of flying, is truly amazing. This is particularly true of young birds, which seem to feel instinctively that the hours on end, apparently not bothered by hunger, thirst, fatigue, or any other deterrent, but motivated by the exhilaration that flying itself provides. The racing pigeon flies to race home, the Roller pigeon flies to roll; but the Aseel/Tippler pigeon just flies and flies and flies and flies. This is pigeon flying itself provides. The Tippler sport has many advantages to recommend it. The fanciers of these excellent examples of blooded stock can compete against others anywhere in the world without leaving the confines of their own back yards. Many sportsmen fly them from the roof. No track or field is needed; they display the results of their breeding and their crew's" ability as trainers on their own "proving grounds" high in the vast immensity of the sky, and there is no more beautiful sight to be seen, according to the dyed-in-the-wool fancier of high-flying Tipplers. Among the many advantages enjoyed by those who engage in the Flying Tippler sport is the fact that the fancier actually needs no outside competition. He can, if opponents are scarce, fly against himself in that his efforts can be directed to bettering the records for time-flying that he has already set. In flying without the competition provided by the clock and his own best6 record serve as his opposition. Unlike the racing sport (in which mob flying of a large team might be of advantage but very costly), the Tippler team is best when small, so buying a win " is harder. A prospective Tippler flyer can, by purchasing a few young birds, engage in this excellent animal sport within a few weeks of his starting. No long, never-ending waiting period goes by between his entry into the sport and his actual racing, as is true of so many others like pastimes. He can start almost any time of the year. There are many other much-appreciated advantages which the Tippler game enjoys over some other forms of justly popular pigeon sport. The losses suffered by the Tippler owner are usually somewhat smaller than those of the Racing Homer and Roller fanciers. The Tippler's homing instinct is better than the Roller's and while it is nowhere near as good as that of the Racing Homer, this latter pigeon is called upon to put his powers to a greater test than the Tippler, which remains ever within sight of his loft and uses his instinct for homing only when he has been blown away from his neighborhood for a few miles. The Racing Homer and show-bird fanciers are often loud in their complaints about the diseases that their birds pick up in their shipping crates and show cages. The Tippler flyer never has this disagreeable condition to foul up the clean, orderly operation of his loft. His birds are not thrown into contact with other birds and contagion is not any trouble to him. Many Tippler lofts arte kept in a state of extreme cleanliness, for the sport seems to lend itself to the fairly easy accomplishment of this praiseworthy condition. The pigeon man has youngsters in the nest three of four weeks after the breeders are mated. Training begins when the Tipplers are six weeks old, and two or three weeks later they are "off to the races". For the blooded-stock enthusiast who has breeding systems he'sjust dying to try out, here is the perfect medium. Why spend a lifetime setting up a system and then slip off this mortal coil before you have had a chance to prove it? This quick "turnover" is important. More units produced in a shorter time, kept in a minimum of space and all easily handle able, make possible a comprehensive study project with maximum convenience. To the Tippler fancier, however, these individual birds are more than mere "units"; they are personalities, and strong ones at that. If you doubt this, just listen in on a "gab fest" of pigeonaires. Band numbers are reeled off glibly and ring like proper names, and what pictures they bring back! In this connection, it might be mentioned that the Tippler fraternity maintains one of the hottest of the "Hot Stove Leagues". The flying season comes to an end, so does the show season, but the pigeon talk goes on forever. In most forms of sport the competition afforded in each contest is necessarily limited by the size of the playing field, the width of the track, and other space considerations. In horse racing, as an example, the available space in the starting agate makes necessary the" star system" under which a horse that is denied a chance to star in a race is credited with a star. When another race with the same conditions is scheduled, the horses with the largest star rating are given preference when the entries are received. In the Tippler sport no such limitation prevails. The number of contestants is without limit and they may be as widely scattered as the size of the world permits. In the Racing Homer sport, such things as "drag", wind, etc., have a very telling effect upon the outcome of a race. But in Tippler flying, the conditions that help or hinder one contestant will have no effect upon another. A strong east wind, for instance, will blow the Homers toward the lofts in the west end and away from those on the opposite side of the city; thus the same wind helps one hurts the other. A Tipper flyer is helped or hindered without any effect upon the opposition. The Tippler owner can concentrate upon his own problems that are close at hand, knowing that conditions prevailing elsewhere will not affect him. He can work toward the development of birds that arte best suited to his location and climate, trying at all times to do the very most with what he has to work with. A Racing Homer fancier, after the birds are shipped, is without control of the situation and must take what comes in the way of wind and weather. The Tippler man does not start if the weather is not to his advantages, and even if the birds have been started, he can drop them*( *Bring them down) if he changes his mind. Seldom, though, are these royally bred pigeons forced to quit. Tracing their pedigrees to the best in the past, they may be expected to set an example of for the future. The Tippler sport is a" good thing" being overlooked by many individuals and groups that could enjoy it to the utmost with the expenditure of little money and effort. If it is not the least expensive of all the purebred animal sports, then it surely ranks with the "top" in this category. The "ringside seat" for the sport is your own back yard. There are no costly shipping charges, no expensive timing devices, no crates etc. These little thoroughbreds, because of their size, require very little feed (less than an ounce per bird during training), and a loft so small that it requires a minimum of space. Most of the outstanding time records have been chalked up by three-bird kits, so it can be easily seen that it is not necessary to maintain a large number of birds in order to compete successfully.
*In Pakistan this type of pigeons known as Aseel Kabutar.Kabutar is the word of Urdu Language. Aseel mean pure. European and American countries these types of Aseel Pigeons are known as High-flyer Pigeon or flying tipplers. Tippler is the name of that person which brought Aseel Kabutar from Pakistan before sub-continent.