Show Standard of Excellence for the Flying Tippler
Show Standard of Excellence for the Flying Tippler
Accepted by Flying Tippler Association of America, 1982 UTILITY FEATURES CONDITION (25 pts)
Hard, firmly muscled. Light in weight for size. Clean and alert.
WINGS (12 pts)
Stress the importance of secondaries. Broad flexible, overlapping feathers should be present, no gaps in the wings. Flights should be carried atop the tail, and give every sign of strength. Top line smooth and without 11sail" or "sideboards".
TAIL (6 pts)
Notably narrow, but capable of great expansion. Strong but resilient feathers. In entirety, small and light in weight.
KEEL (6 pts)
Shallow and long, for a Tippler not a Homer. Coming quite close to the "fork" (vent end).
FORK (6 pts)
Firm and close (to each other and to the keel).
BACK (6 pts)
Broad at the shoulders, it tapers to a trim, strong rump to achieve the breed's powerful wedge shape.
CHEST (6 pts)
Broad and capacious, to accommodate the heart and lungs of a sporting pigeon. It should be big from side to side rather than projecting forward.
If any of the foregoing utility features are "cut" to as low as 2/3 of the maximum number of points that are allowed to them (for example, 16 out of the 25 points for condition) then disqualification is automatic.
Total points for Utility Features (67)
HEAD (3 pts)
Small with refined shape and appointments. Gracefully rising from the beak, but with no frontal bulge. Flatness on top permitted.
NECK (3 pts)
Medium short, sharply tapered. Broad at shoulders, narrow at head. Tight and clean in front, no gullet.
EYE (3 pts)
The "white" ("pearl", "gravel", etc.) type rather than the "color" (yellow, orange, red, etc.) series is desired.
CERE (3 pts)
Fine and dark on intense colored birds, lighter on dilute birds.
BEAK (3 pts)
Stout and medium small. Very dark on intense colored birds, horn colored on dilute birds.
WATTLE (3 pts)
Small, smooth and white.
LEGS (3 pts)
Short, red, free of feathers. Fairly wide-set with a rear placement. FEET (3 pts) Small but strong. Red with dark nails on intense colored birds, horn colored on dilutes, white permitted on pied birds.
In this sporting breed less importance is attached to this category than to any other. With no preference given to any color or pattern, credit should be accorded to the success evident in approaching pattern definition and achieving richness of color. Tipplers are permitted to any color, pattern or marking.
STATION (3 pts)
Pronouncedly vertical rather than horizontal. Head up and back. More is to be expected of cocks in this matter.
Smartness, eagerness, but not wildness should be dominant with no suggestion of dullness or lack of interest.
Beauty features, having no great effect upon the working ability of the pigeon, may be cut severely without disqualification.
Total points for Beauty Features (33).